The Snow Day (Un’eccezionale nevicata), by Richard Curtis Gallucci Editore, 40 pages, Settembre 2014, translation from English into Italian
The Empty Stocking (L’errore di Babbo Natale), by Richard Curtis Gallucci Editore, 44 pages, October 2012, translation from English into Italian
Il y était un arbre (Storia un albero) by Émilie Vaste, ISBN 978-88-6145-388-3 Gallucci Editore, 30 pages, May 2012, translation from English into Italian
Katsi, Il y à toujours une solution (Pico, c’è sempre una soluzione) by C&M Laffon, Gallucci Editore, 28 pages, April 2012, translation from French into Italian
Katsi, Restons calme (Pico, non ti arrabbiare) di C&M Laffon Gallucci Editore, 28 pages, April 2012, translation from French into Italian
Mercredi (Piccolo cerchio e Gran quadrato) by Anne Bertier Gallucci Editore, 48 pages, March 2012, translation from French into Italian
The Rumor (La voce) by Monique Felix Gallucci Editore, pages 26, November 2011, translation from English into Italian
YSL Chaier de coloriage (Album da colorare) by Yves Saint Laurent Gallucci Editore, pages 40, October 2011, translation from French into Italian