I started writing when I was 7, in my third year at primary school: my first novel was the story of a woman who was obsessed with chasing a killer whale. I had not read Moby Dick yet, my primary school teacher was impressed. That masterpiece is unfortunately lost but I have been writing since, now and then giving in to the vanity of being published.
Saltare nelle Pozzanghere, parole intraducibili per raccontare la felicità – with Ilide Carmignani and Illustrated by Anna Godeassi, November 2024, Rizzoli
Londramania, an illustrated love letter to London – with Carl Lawrence, illustrated by Monica Auriemma, September 2021, Rizzoli
Short Story Corpi d’acqua, in “Corpi d’acqua” – March 2009, Voras Edizioni
Short Story Uova marce, in “Fiocco rosa” – January 2009, Edizioni Fernandel
Short Story L’emiro di Comacchio – September 2008, Fernandel literary review
Short Story Una vita meravigliosa – June 2008, Fernandel literary review
Short Story I pesci dormono sospesi – April 2008, Fernandel literary review
Short Story Dal nostro inviato alla fiera di Francoforte – November 2007, Fernandel literary review
Short Story Formiche – October 2007, Fernandel literary review
Short Story L’età che hai tu adesso, in “Quote rosa” – June 2007, Edizioni Fernandel